About us

All four Divorce Company lawyers-mediators have specialised in family law after finishing their law degrees. We all have many years of experience working as lawyers-mediators in divorce cases. Each of us has our own practice in Utrecht, Maarssen and Houten. You can also make an appointment with us in Zeist.

Lawyer-mediator in divorce cases

If you would you like to have more information about us and our practices, please click on the photos below.

Quality of the lawyer-mediator assured by vFAS and MfN

As divorce mediators we are affiliated with vFAS and MfN (previously NMI). This guarantees the quality of our mediation services.

A divorce mediator is an independent moderator between you and your ex-partner. If you are planning on getting a divorce we will help you, during the mediation sessions, to discuss and solve any matters of concern. We create a safe environment in which all parties feel at ease and free to talk and where we also listen to the things unsaid. The position of the children in the divorce is also a priority.

L.H. van der Schaaf LLM
Divorce mediator and family lawyer
Lilys Law
Emmalaan 37
3581 HP Utrecht
T: 030-207 77 00
E: mail@lilys-law.nl

M.C. van Rijn LLM
Divorce mediator and family lawyer
Rijn Advocatuur & Mediation
Emmalaan 37
3581 HP Utrecht
T: 030-207 70 70
E: rijn@rijnadvocatuur.nl

A.E. Kievit LLM
Kievit Advocatuur & Mediation
Divorce mediator and family lawyer
Pelmolen 17c
3994 XX Houten
T: 030-636 23 66
E: info@kievitmediation.nl